Thursday, November 22, 2018

AIVON - Project Review

Hello everyone, hope your days are pleasant
the hope of joining the AIVON project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and increase information for you especially understand the vision and mission of the project so that it adds to your confidence in investing.
Online video is global but localization is a big problem - Another challenging problem in the video industry is that at least 80% of the content on the Internet can be accessed in only one of the top 10 languages. Most videos on the internet can only be accessed in one language, usually English. This means video distribution is limited and most of the world is out of reach for content producers regardless of whether their videos can be accessed through search engines and video platforms.
If the metadata is not normalized and standardized, like when multiple uploaders upload the same video to YouTube with different descriptions, you will get different metadata based on who uploaded it. Because humans are biased with their own perspective, every human who sees the same video will appear with different information and metadata tags for that video.
Because of the many online videos that are seen every day, especially by children, the importance of video security is becoming increasingly important.

Artificial Intelligence Video Open Network (AIVON) is a decentralized, open-source blockchain protocol and ecosystem built on a consensus network of Artificial Intelligence (AI) computing resources and a community of human experts, used to generate normalized and enhanced metadata for video content. Developers can build Decentralized Applications (DApps) on top of the AIVON protocol. Platform participants can either run AI nodes or provide expertise and be rewarded with AVO Tokens.
AI Computer Vision algorithms running on nodes using CPU/GPU resources will be used to scan media files, generate enhanced metadata including time-coded tags, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and an index of the video objects. Humans with expertise in tagging, editing and translation can participate in the AIVON shared economy to help with the verification, validation and/or creation of video metadata. AI Machine Learning algorithms will continually learn from the actions of AIVON community to become better and smarter. AIVON will empower the community with tools to enable the community to moderate, review, verify the meta-tags, categorize, transcribe and/or translate content, as well as provide economic incentives to encourage this activity through AVO Tokens.

The advantages of AIVON
Artificial Intelligence
Specialized AI algorithms will be deployed on mining nodes, so that miners’ CPU and GPU resources can be used to scan media files, generate the enhanced metadata including time-coded tags, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and an index of the video objects.

AIVON platform will use AI to define a confidence score for each of several content safety attributes, such as: nudity, adult, offensive language, hate speech, violence, guns, alcohol etc.These confidence scores will be combined into a vector called a ContentGraphTM which can be visualized as a bar graph.

Human Expert
AIVON uses a network of freelancers with skills in tagging, metadata management, transcribing and translation. AIVON will empower its community with tools which enable individuals to review, verify and correct the AI-derived metadata, including the categorizations, transcriptions and translations.

AI Node
A Neural Network is a set of algorithms with interconnecting nodes, modeled loosely after the human brain, that is designed to recognize patterns. Similar to how a child learn by mimicking the behavior of familiar persons (like parents) and applying the learning outcomes to modify its own behavior, a Neural Network "learns" to perform task by optimizing using large labeled training data sets to "minimize" the error between the output and the desired outcome. 

400,000,000 AIVON tokens will be created at Token Generation Event.
Total supply is capped at 1,000,000,000 tokens. 600,000,000 additional AIVON tokens will be minted and distributed to Validator, AI/HE nodes as block rewards over the next 10 years.
The block reward will decrease at a rate of 25% year-on-year over the 10 years.

Token Symbol : AVO (TBC)
Private Sales Start Date : 1 August 2018
Whitelisting Date : 1 October 2018
Public Sales Date : November 2018 (TBC)
Initial issue size : 400,000,000 (400 million)
Maximum issue size : 1,000,000,000 (1 billion, after 10 years)
Token Price : 6.25 AIVON to 1 USD
 (token price in Ether will be fixed 48 hours before start of the sale)

Hardcap Target : USD18,000,000

The public will be offered 35% through the token sale, and the team (including founders and early backers of the project) will get 20% with 7.5% going to advisors. 22.5% will be set aside as for community development initiatives, while 15% will be reserved for future use.


Token Demand
  • Transaction Fee - Every transaction must pay transaction fee to validator as part of block reward. Demand for AIVON token will increase as AIVON transaction volume increases.
  • Reward - Requester must have AIVON token to request job execution. Demand for AIVON token will increase as number and scale of job requests increase.
  • Deposit - All participants must put down deposit (Staking) in AIVON token to gain the right to participate and be selected. Validator, AI/HE nodes must put down deposit in AIVON token to have the chance to be selected to perform the tasks. Demand for AIVON token will increase as the number of nodes which want do jobs in AIVON increases. Deposits through staking will reduce the number of tokens in circulation.
  • Credit Tokens - To level up and qualify HE nodes, we envisage DApps that provide systematic online course to train and test humans on the high skilled tasks. (e.g. translation). Depending on level of difficulty, Humans who completed and pass the tests will be awarded free AIVON credit tokens which could be used as staking deposit to increase their chances of winning HE tasks and earning more tokens. However, these credit tokens could not be traded



#Aivon #aivonico #tokensale #AI #Blockchain #aivonio and

For More Information :

MEW : 0xB18448201E476F66b4d113175a621E42E60d33Fe

Tuesday, November 20, 2018



Understanding of travel agent Travel agents have the task of:

  • Become an intermediary for ticket booking
  • Manage travel documents
  • Become an intermediary for booking accommodation, restaurants, tourist facilities etc.
  • Selling tour packages made by public travel agencies

In this modern era there are many companies that develop Travel in a modern way too.
one of them is the Travelvee Platform.
A platform for searching and offering hotel rooms and packages where the customer is the leader in price determination.
Travelvee - will give you the opportunity to buy accommodation at a hotel that is not sold anywhere, and is sold only to this particular client at this particular time. Each offer from the hotel for the user of the platform is exclusive at a price lower than usual and it may never happen again.

About Travelvee
Travelvee is a decentralized platform for tourist bookings and travels, in which the blockchain is used, and smart contracts targeting the sector in the tourism industry on not occupied rooms in hotels of all levels.

Travelvee - Innovative Booking Platform! Oriented directly to the market for unoccupied rooms - which will be sold on exclusive terms, which are discussed between the hotel and the buyer - confidentially, of course with the help of Travelvee platform.

Travelvee is a decentralized community of people who choose the best among exclusive offers for the purchase of hotel and tourist services of all levels, made only by them at their request from participants of the Travelvee platform: hotels, resorts, villas, chalets, apartments, cottages, gempling, houses for holidays, motels, hostels.

TRAVEL token is a utility based on the Ethereum standard ERC-20.. Its main function is to pay annual subscription fees for all Travelvee subscribers who provide accommodation services in hotels, other tourist locations and services on the Travelvee platform. In addition, you can pay the TRAVEL token to anyone, by prior arrangement.

Token platform: Ethereum

Token symbol: TRAVEL

Standard token: ERC - 20

Token cost: 1 TRAVEL = $ 1

Accepted currency:   ETH

Period of the PRE Sale: October 15, 2018 - November 30, 2018

Bonus - 50%

Maximum - 1 000 000 USD

Smart contract: 0x38a811bb19665E9f4FF4061FA4b7e0Cca92507BA


Price1 TRAVEL = 1 $
Accepted TokensETH
PRE Sale

1 TRAVEL1 $ + 50% bonus 15/10/2018 - 30/11/2018 a maximum of $ 1,000,000

Public sale will be held in 3 stages:
  • Stage 1: 01/12/2018 - 12/31/2018. Bonus - 30%
  • Stage 2: 01/01/2019 - 01/31/2019. Bonus - 20%
  • Stage 3: 01/02/2019 - 15/02/2019. Bonus - 10%
  • AIRDROP and BOUNTY a maximum of 2 000 000 TRAVEL tokens.
  • Public sale to ICO for up to $ 30,000,000.
  • During Token Sale - the price of the TRAVEL token is tied to the dollar. You will receive TRAVEL tokens immediately after sending ETH to our address in the amount agreed upon by ETH to the dollar at the time of ETH dispatch.
  • All tokens that will not be sold and transferred to Bounty will be burned!
  • There will not be any additional emissions of tokens!



For More Information or to join pre sale, you can visit link below :

Monday, November 19, 2018

HetaChain - A trendy third generation Blockchain Platform

This Bloger offer a new, high-performance and scalable blockchain platform as well as the ecosystem which makes blockchain more usable and valuable.
As introduced, “Blockchain” is the foundational technology behind Bitcoin. It is also a potentially groundbreaking innovation in how data is created, shared, and edited.
Through an immutable ledger and consensus algorithms that ensure the integrity of the blockchain, it is possible to create a “trustless” type of information; a type that is truly decentralized and transparent.
Transaction volume and applications are increasing rapidly on current blockchains, making network congestion a major issue.
The result is HetaChain: a blockchain with broad applications across government, business, and communities. He is HETACHAIN

Hetachain is a revolutionary "hybrid" blockchain network that aims to solve problems and create scalable high-performance blockchain, facilitating easy and smart contract making and easy to use by end users. This will be achieved by a hybrid consensus mechanism based on Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). Hetachain's third generation blockchain technology eliminates predecessor errors, solves scalability problems, increases transactions per second and energy efficiency, and brings blockchain technology closer to mass adoption.

The Hetachain network aims to create an independent framework designed to be used on an actual industrial scale. This ecosystem consists of smart contracts, Hetacoin, Hot and Cold Heta Wallets, Heta App Store, blockchain feature blockers, and comprehensive solutions that enhance its application in smart banking, health, e-commerce, commerce, telecommunications, data management, investment, money cash exchange, and money transfers. This is the latest generation industrial grade blockchain platform created to drive the industrial revolution and enable third party decentralization applications to operate on any scale.

Hetachain is quite scalable to maintain active operations of thousands of industrial-grade DPS at the same time, while military-class security from the Hetachain Platform guarantees network stability. Furthermore, the Hetachain Platform is designed to support very high TPS, which is very important for new generation commercial networks.

In addition, Hetachain is a multichannel blockchain with a very effective public and private chain capacity for business management and transaction management that is built for enterprise-level computing needs so that it is efficient for commercial applications and economic events.

ceck this video :

HetaChain Cryptocurrency (Heta)
The original cryptocurrency that moves Hetachain and activates the blockchain as a service is HetaCoin. This is the Hetachain internal cryptocurrency used on the Mainchain network. This has many uses, including:

  • Service Usage Fees - These are fees taken from users of the HetaChain service.
  • Transaction fees - This is a mandatory fee taken from the user's transaction that exchanges coins or tokens that have been made by Heta. Transaction fees make Hetacoin have real value for the system. This can also prevent traders from flooding networks with unlimited microtransactions.
  • Gift - If a user participates in a consensus process or validation of the Main Chain and Private Chain, then he must be rewarded with Hetacoin. This is also referred to as Giving appreciation to users. For the level of consensus appreciation, it must depend on how much effort is spent by the participants in carrying out the process.

  • Scalable - One block at a time, the data stored on a blockchain grows without an upper bound to file size. We implement side chains and connections to 3rd party offchain databases, so that businesses can manage the size of their ledger.
  • Secure - Only Hetachain’s main network is necessarily public. Our side chains can be either public or private, ensuring data is kept confidential when the need arises.
  • Flexible - Distributed applications built on Hetachain can be frozen or updated with our flexible role-based permission system, making it easier to develop for our platform. Dapps can be distributed in our Dapp Store, or quickly put together using our drag-and-drop Dapp Builder.
  • Fast - We use a Byzantine fault tolerant, delegated proof of stake (DPoS+BFT) consensus model to provide a high number of transactions per second without compromising security. We plan to have a limit of 33 delegate nodes to keep consensus time low.
Heta Protocol – A Multichain Platform

Hetachain’s sidechains allow you to easily deploy an enterprise blockchain, hosted however and wherever you want. 
Our Bridge Protocol allows you to securely submit data to the main chain for verification, paying HETA tokens for this service. 
In practice, this allows you to move your application to its own blockchain so it benefits from the full speed of the network, without sharing resources with other applications. At the same time, you benefit from the immutability and infrastructure our public Main Net provides. 
Our main network will be able to run smart contracts written in C++, Solidity and others. This means there is already an established community of developers and documentation to get started building your application.


HETA is the native token of the HetaChain Main Network. All network usage fees are paid in HETA. 
Transaction fees on Hetachain are paid when sending HETA, when sidechain data needs to be validated by the main network, or when smart contracts need to be called on the main network. 
HETA is received by users if they participate in the consensus or validation process of either the Main Network or one of the sidechains. These processes are distinct due to our use of delegated proof of stake.
The fees and reward for validation will depend on the amount of processing required, to ensure all sidechains can obtain fair use of the main network.
In addition, Hetacoin aims to become one of the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, depending on the demand generated by the HETACHAIN CRYPTO-CROWDSALE ecosystem, where all users will be able to launch their own ICO projects.

For More Infomation :

My Profile Link :

Sunday, November 18, 2018


MYCRO is a mobile application that is intuitive to use. Simple work on a short-term basis can be placed directly in the MYCRO network for free. Using intelligent and self-learning algorithms known from the dating of platforms, MYCROmatches these tasks on time with the right jobber. He or she does the work. One person gets time, other money.
Time connects us all, regardless of our background or social rank. Time is limited. Time is finite. We can not return or extend the time. In today’s world, our time is mostly controlled externally. Time is controlled by our work, our clients, our social obligations. Therefore, we believe that every person in this world has the right to control his time. Our vision is to exercise this right. For this reason, we will create a balance between time and money.

See this video to find out the vision:

Mycro getting the job done

  • Home services - Gardening, cleaning, tidying up, decluttering, small repairs, window cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking 
  • Delivery services - Doing the shopping, driving services, transport services, delivery services
  • Virtual services - Internet researches, travel planning, assistence services, clerical work, online survey
  • Skilled services - Tutoring, photography, model jobs, piano lessons, setting up the computer, mounting the TV, DJing, waitressing, setting up an internet connection
How to use the Mycro Token (MYO)

  • Job Shopping - Use Mycro Token (MYO) to achieve a better position in the job provider's dashboard. This allows you to determine the amount of your fee yourself. We call it job shopping.
  • Rewarding - Receive MYO from the community reward pool for good ratings after successful jobs and building up the Mycro community - controlled by a smart contract.
  • Currency - It is planned that you can use Mycro tokens (MYO) to pay for jobs - in a reliable and secure way using an escrow smart contract. (planned).

We will create a global and decentralized equal network for simple jobs. People all over the world should choose what they do, when and for whom they work and how much their time is worth. Our mission is to give every person access to this opportunity, regardless of whether they come from a village in Vietnam, the outskirts of Berlin or from the center of Manhattan.

MYCRO wants to solve the serious problem of society. Through a peer-to-peer network for simple jobs, they give people control over their time and money balance. During the ICO, a maximum of 100,000,000 MYO will be created. Softbank will be achieved at the level of 3.5 million euros.

Symbol: MYO 
Softcap: € 3,500,000 
Hardcap: € 14,000,000 
Supply of Tokens: 100,000,000 MYO 
Private Sale: 26,000,000 MYO 
Basic Sales: 40,000,000 MYO 
BL blockchainchain Specifications: ERC20 Token Participation 
Method: ETH 
Launch ICO: Q4 / 2018


Invest in Mycro One of the fastest growing part of the global labour market. With our solution we give people back control of their time and money and improve the lives of millions of people. Right from the start, we build a smart contract software architecture on the blockchain in order to realize the vision of a completely decentralized system. Together we have more than 150+ years of experience in company building, software and blockchain development and marketing. And we love what we do.
Dont thinks again to invest in Mycro.

Private sale
A maximum number of 26,000,000 Mycro tokens (MYO) will be sold during the private sale to strategic partners and investors with long term value for the project.
Pre sale
A maximum number of 5.000.000 Mycro tokens (MYO) will be sold in the pre sale. A prerequisite for participating in the pre-sale is whitelisting and the successful completion of the KYC procedure. All tokens which are not sold in the pre sale will be available for the main sale.
The pre-sale period offers investors a bonus of 30%. The pre-sale starts in Q4/2018 for 14 days or when all tokens are sold.
Main sale
At least 35.000.000 Mycro tokens (MYO) will be sold via the main sale, so a maximum number of 66.000.000 MYO will be sold in the private sale, pre sale and the main sale together. The main sale will be divided into three phases, different discounts being granted to the investors.

The main sale will start in Q4/2018.
00-15 days or 10.000.000 MYO –––– 20% Bonus
15-30 days or 12.500.000 MYO –––– 10% Bonus
30-60 days or 12.500.000 MYO––––– 5% Bonus

All tokens not sold will be burned at the end of the ICO

For More Information you can visit link below :

MEW : 0xB18448201E476F66b4d113175a621E42E60d33Fe

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

TravelNote - Connecting travel platform with blockchain technology

Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, car, train, ship, plane, or other means, with or without baggage, and can be either a round trip. Travel can also include a relatively short stay.
Tourism sector is always one of the thriving industries. The surge of tourist arrivals, especially the influx of tourists from big populations like China and India, as well as the high-income Middle Eastern market, has given the tourism sector a much-needed boost. The fast-growing tourism industry catalyzes the economic growth in the nation, and many people started to see the hidden business opportunities within the tourism industry. The greater and ever-lasting demand from the market will make this business very profitable and a huge success.
Cryptocurrency nowadays has been widely recognized throughout the world. Due to that very reason, we grabbed this golden opportunity by incorporating cryptocurrency into our travel system. We are very much interested to focus on digital currency market as the main payment gate into our travel business in the near future.
TravelNote is a business associated with travelling and has been operating since year 2015. It offers a variety of services, which include purchasing airline tickets, making hotel reservations, creating itineraries for tour (or special packages) and providing information about specific destinations. It also provides car and motorbike renting services. TravelNote has experienced in serving major group tour, private tour, family and even corporations.
Ecosystem is very essential to maintain the efficiency of the TravelNote project. Taking this into account, we will focus on the running of TravelNote ecosystem as the main payment gate.

ceck this video :

To be the pioneer in travel with blockchain technology that serves any travel related needs to people in southeast asia
Be the most trusted and innovative travel management company in the world

Token Technology ERC20
TravelNote token is created by using the smart contract technology (ERC20) from Ethereum. The very reason why smart contract is applied was to ensure every token owner candidates, investors and business owner to be opened and transparent among each other. This smart contract can be evaluated clearly without any problem on the blockchain track of the entherum network.

TravelNote Ecosystem
Ecosystem is very essential to maintain the efficiency of the TravelNote project. Taking this into account, we will focus on the running of TravelNote ecosystem as the main payment gate to our business.

TravelNote Platform
TravelNote will be the leading business in travel with blockchain technology that offers its benefits as well as specialty to travelers around the globe, not only for recreational purposes but even business related travel needs covering flight ticket and hotel

Token Exchange Value
Exchange value is basically depending on market demand but we are very committed for TravelNote to have a flat/standard price in parallel with the progression of TravelNote token usage

Open Transaction
TravelNote token can be used in any transaction without losing the value of local currency (IDR) as a reference with the opened blockchain technology

Name                                 : TravelNote
Symbol                              : TVNT
Decimals                           : 8
Smart Contract address     : 0x5635ddEaBf9cdDA686995Fe90BEB5411831563FC
1 ETH                                : 1,333 TVNT
Soft Cap                             : 666,666 TVNT /500 ETH
Hard Cap                            : 2,000,000 TVNT /1,500 ETH
Total Supply                       : 5,000,000 TVNT
Token for Sale                    : 2,000,000 TVNT (40%)
Marketing & Airdrop          : 100,000 TVNT (2%)
Advisor                               : 150,000 TVNT (3%) Locked For 1Month
Team                                    : 250,000 TVNT (5%)
Reserve                                 : 2,500,000 TVNT (50%)

Token Sale Periode

ICO SALE 1,333,333 TVNT

BUY TravelNote TOKEN


Supported Wallet


For More information :

To Join Bounty or Airdrop :

Author : Ajad_Arsy

Friday, November 9, 2018


Travel is Important On the surface, travel is about seeing new places and (if you’re heading abroad to volunteer) giving a bit back at the same time. But underneath it is so much more, opening your horizons to experience completely different cultures, cuisines and landscapes. While photos are proof that you went and saw, it’s the transformation that takes place within that is often the strongest evidence of why travel is important.
Some argue that it’s an indulgent expense, spending money to travel that could be spent saving for a home loan or “building for the future”, but travel addicts would debate a strong case against this. It’s not about ticking off the “bucket list” and being able to recount all the countries you’ve visited, but the way travel impacts you as a person, your interactions with others and your humanity towards the rest of the world.

Airsave Travel are a social saving platform designed to help people save and earn for travels. With Airsave Travel Coin (ASTC), users can get better decentralization, transparency, privacy, cost efficiency and the opportunity to use our token to save and earn money for travel. The Airsave Travel DApp allows better network participation. Our platform is designed for users to experience a meaningful, consistent, and more reliable way of saving and earning for travel.
Airsave Travel is a social saving DApp, which helps users save and earn for trips. Currently in partnership with STA Travel, our company is evolving the cryptocurrency and travel industries. Our product is available on the Apple App Store.

Airsave Travel is currently available as a centralised product on the AppStore, which is designed in a way that enables transparency, as each user can see their friends’ savings and earnings. Aside from that, a user can view information on his/her earnings, savings as well as an increase or transaction made.

  • Blockchain: A blockchain is a distributed transaction ledger containing bits of information called ‘blocks.’ It is a method of storing and processing data that has taken the world by storm because of its unmatched security potential. Unlike regular centralized storage, information on a blockchain, it is not stored in a single location but somewhat present in every single client making transaction the blockchain network, where it is updated continuously. This means that once information is stored on a blockchain, it is effectively impossible to alter, as the technology to compromise millions of users at once and gain access to specific information does not yet exist. Thus, transactions conducted on blockchain networks are essentially immutable and impervious to interference. 
  • Cryptocurrency: A cryptocurrency is a representation of a digital asset which is stored on a blockchain. Unlike regular (fiat) currencies, cryptocurrencies are not centrally issued or managed, and they contain no information that can be used to identify individual users. The types and applications of cryptocurrencies vary, but the cryptocurrency discussed in this paper, that is Airsave Travel Coin (ASTC), is based on the Airsave Travel platform’s business operation. Unlike BTC and ETH, which are general-purpose cryptocurrencies, ASTC is currently only traded on the Airsave Travel platform. 
  • Fiat Currency: A fiat currency, money most people are familiar with, i.e., issued and backed by a government institution and regulated by a central bank. Unlike cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies (even when stored electronically), contain identifying information and are stored in centralized silos, making them a constant target for hackers and fraudsters. 

By using Airsave, users can more easily travel anywhere, because Airsave will provide various tips for a more enjoyable journey. Besides that, users can also socialize with other travelers through social networking features. The following are the reasons why Airsave is highly recommended;
Free to use

Save for real
Earn recurring rewards
Refer friends
Great User Experience
STA Travel vouchers

Airsave Travel is a game-changing part of the ongoing blockchain revolution because it takes on the process of saving money and converts it from a slow, laborious, isolated and individual process, into a social process that generates steady returns and is entirely transparent. Aside from being transparent, there is the feature of decentralization, which is a major highlight of the blockchain technology. Decentralization enables the ASTC token to increase in value as opposed to saving and earning in fiat.
Users get to benefit significantly from our platform. The platform allows users to earn an income and increase their fixed investment – based on the number of referrals they make. Airsave Travel offers a useful User Interface that helps users track their savings and earnings on the go.
Users without referrals are exempted from paying in fiat currency/ASTC until a certain number of referrals has been reached - so that they do not have to pay in any money until their earnings exceed their savings (of the fixed investment of £20/ASTC equivalent - per month). 

Token Detail
ASTC token is an ERC-20 Token. Investors who participate in our private and public sale will receive ASTC in return for their ETH contribution. During the contribution, the smart contract automatically swaps the tokens and sends ASTC to the ETH address provided by the investor.

You can buy this token on private sale begins on 4th August 2018 - main ICO 8th October 2018.

For More Information you can visit link below :

For Join Bounty Clik link :

Bitcointalk username : Ajad_Arsy

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Project REVIEW - BAKD | Crypto Crowdfunding & Professional Networking |

BAKD is a platorm for entrepreneurs and projects of any size to netoork raise funds find team members and learn all in one place ohile they build out their next great idea.
BAKD gives startups not only the capital they need to succeed but oe instll the confdence and give them the tools they need to succeed. All of this oill be possible by using the BAKD utlity token to invest in campaigns and receive project disbursements.
Finally BAKD is also a place ohere investors can feel safe investng in cryptocurrency startups. They oill no longer have to oonder ohere their money is going if projects are really meetng their deadlines and milestones. If project milestones are not met and the project becomes abandoned all remaining investor funds are returned. Invest oith confdence.
BAKD is an online crowdfunding community for cryptocurrency projects. Entrepreneurs who work a full time job already (or maybe not!) can list vetted, or non-vetted instant campaigns. Applying to be, and getting vetted prior to starting a campaign gives projects an instant level of credibility that anonymous, non vetted projects will not have. Whether a campaign is pre-vetted or not, all campaigns are given access to a personal dashboard as well as access to the BAKD community, allowing them to find BAK'ers, mentors, advisors, or other developers for said project -- all under one roof.
Project owners need to setup their disbursement schedules before ever starting their campaigns. These disbursements will be handled automatically by the BAKD Platform's Disbursement System, never needing any human intervention. This is key to avoid having developers and project owners end up with massive, multi-million dollar lump sums, and zero initiative left to continue on building what they set out for, in turn fostering motivation and innovation. Various contests between project owners will also foster a sense of competition between projects, hopefully intensifying the innovation and motivation.

How it works BAKD

  • Users register for to vieo or apply for a project campaign. Registraton instantly gives users the ability to invest in any running campaign
  • Anyone can run a campaign. Unverifed campaigns oill receive far less investments. To maximize investments BAKD recommends having your team and project verifed and vetted prior to startng your campaign. The vetng process consists of the BAKD team revieoing the overall project funding goal team current documentaton and source code/applicaton (if applicablee. Users not passing the vetng process oill stll be invited to post their campaign but they oill remain listed in unverifed status.
  • In order to start your campaign verifed or unverifed teams must add pre-defned  funding goals (ohich can be exceeded by member investmentse disbursement agreements and project milestones. If the milestones are not contnually met the project funding disbursements oill be ended and the remaining funds oill be returned to investors in the form of BAKD tokens.
  • BAKD oill ofer multple project funding campaign types. Project ooners may ofer ohatever they choose in return for investments from BAKD investors. Whether it be coins/tokens for their project equity in their project services from their project etc.
  • After a successful campaign is funded projects proceed into the development and disbursement phase. If they stop developing their promised project and/or stop updatng their investors/community – the disbursements stop as oell and the remaining amounts returned to original investors in the form of BAKD tokens.
  • Project ooners oill be able to search for and contact mentors advisors legal help and marketng professionals all from oithin the social netoorking portal oith the ability to invite and add them directly to their team

Benefits of BAKD platform
1. Entrepreneurs
2. Advisors
3. Marketers
4. Developers
Coin Specifications
Coin Codebase: Fork of ROICoin
Max Coin Supply: 5,000,000,000
Algorithm: 1 GB AES Pattern Search
Block Size: 1 MB
Max Transaction Size: 250 KB
Block Confirmations Required: 150
Block Timing: 2 Minutes
Block POW Mining Reward;
   - Blocks 2 - 99,999 0 BAKD Coins
   - Blocks 100,000 onwards 100 BAKD Coins
Mining: CPU Only, Solo Mining available From The Wallet With One Mouse Click
Pre-Mine: 10% (500,000,000)





Official BAKD Onepager (Alpha Version 0.0.1a) has been released! 
Updated Text Version of the BAKD Roadmap (Version 1.0.4) has been released! 

For More information you can visit link below :
Website :
Website ( In Development ) :

Author : Ajad_Arsy

Freelanex- Plattform

Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die mit digitalen Assets vertraut sind, ist der Begriff Digital Asset Exchange oder DAE sicherlich bekannt. W...