Thursday, November 22, 2018

AIVON - Project Review

Hello everyone, hope your days are pleasant
the hope of joining the AIVON project is very big for us, before you join it will be better if you understand the project besides it will add to your insight and increase information for you especially understand the vision and mission of the project so that it adds to your confidence in investing.
Online video is global but localization is a big problem - Another challenging problem in the video industry is that at least 80% of the content on the Internet can be accessed in only one of the top 10 languages. Most videos on the internet can only be accessed in one language, usually English. This means video distribution is limited and most of the world is out of reach for content producers regardless of whether their videos can be accessed through search engines and video platforms.
If the metadata is not normalized and standardized, like when multiple uploaders upload the same video to YouTube with different descriptions, you will get different metadata based on who uploaded it. Because humans are biased with their own perspective, every human who sees the same video will appear with different information and metadata tags for that video.
Because of the many online videos that are seen every day, especially by children, the importance of video security is becoming increasingly important.

Artificial Intelligence Video Open Network (AIVON) is a decentralized, open-source blockchain protocol and ecosystem built on a consensus network of Artificial Intelligence (AI) computing resources and a community of human experts, used to generate normalized and enhanced metadata for video content. Developers can build Decentralized Applications (DApps) on top of the AIVON protocol. Platform participants can either run AI nodes or provide expertise and be rewarded with AVO Tokens.
AI Computer Vision algorithms running on nodes using CPU/GPU resources will be used to scan media files, generate enhanced metadata including time-coded tags, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and an index of the video objects. Humans with expertise in tagging, editing and translation can participate in the AIVON shared economy to help with the verification, validation and/or creation of video metadata. AI Machine Learning algorithms will continually learn from the actions of AIVON community to become better and smarter. AIVON will empower the community with tools to enable the community to moderate, review, verify the meta-tags, categorize, transcribe and/or translate content, as well as provide economic incentives to encourage this activity through AVO Tokens.

The advantages of AIVON
Artificial Intelligence
Specialized AI algorithms will be deployed on mining nodes, so that miners’ CPU and GPU resources can be used to scan media files, generate the enhanced metadata including time-coded tags, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and an index of the video objects.

AIVON platform will use AI to define a confidence score for each of several content safety attributes, such as: nudity, adult, offensive language, hate speech, violence, guns, alcohol etc.These confidence scores will be combined into a vector called a ContentGraphTM which can be visualized as a bar graph.

Human Expert
AIVON uses a network of freelancers with skills in tagging, metadata management, transcribing and translation. AIVON will empower its community with tools which enable individuals to review, verify and correct the AI-derived metadata, including the categorizations, transcriptions and translations.

AI Node
A Neural Network is a set of algorithms with interconnecting nodes, modeled loosely after the human brain, that is designed to recognize patterns. Similar to how a child learn by mimicking the behavior of familiar persons (like parents) and applying the learning outcomes to modify its own behavior, a Neural Network "learns" to perform task by optimizing using large labeled training data sets to "minimize" the error between the output and the desired outcome. 

400,000,000 AIVON tokens will be created at Token Generation Event.
Total supply is capped at 1,000,000,000 tokens. 600,000,000 additional AIVON tokens will be minted and distributed to Validator, AI/HE nodes as block rewards over the next 10 years.
The block reward will decrease at a rate of 25% year-on-year over the 10 years.

Token Symbol : AVO (TBC)
Private Sales Start Date : 1 August 2018
Whitelisting Date : 1 October 2018
Public Sales Date : November 2018 (TBC)
Initial issue size : 400,000,000 (400 million)
Maximum issue size : 1,000,000,000 (1 billion, after 10 years)
Token Price : 6.25 AIVON to 1 USD
 (token price in Ether will be fixed 48 hours before start of the sale)

Hardcap Target : USD18,000,000

The public will be offered 35% through the token sale, and the team (including founders and early backers of the project) will get 20% with 7.5% going to advisors. 22.5% will be set aside as for community development initiatives, while 15% will be reserved for future use.


Token Demand
  • Transaction Fee - Every transaction must pay transaction fee to validator as part of block reward. Demand for AIVON token will increase as AIVON transaction volume increases.
  • Reward - Requester must have AIVON token to request job execution. Demand for AIVON token will increase as number and scale of job requests increase.
  • Deposit - All participants must put down deposit (Staking) in AIVON token to gain the right to participate and be selected. Validator, AI/HE nodes must put down deposit in AIVON token to have the chance to be selected to perform the tasks. Demand for AIVON token will increase as the number of nodes which want do jobs in AIVON increases. Deposits through staking will reduce the number of tokens in circulation.
  • Credit Tokens - To level up and qualify HE nodes, we envisage DApps that provide systematic online course to train and test humans on the high skilled tasks. (e.g. translation). Depending on level of difficulty, Humans who completed and pass the tests will be awarded free AIVON credit tokens which could be used as staking deposit to increase their chances of winning HE tasks and earning more tokens. However, these credit tokens could not be traded



#Aivon #aivonico #tokensale #AI #Blockchain #aivonio and

For More Information :

MEW : 0xB18448201E476F66b4d113175a621E42E60d33Fe

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