Sunday, November 4, 2018

Project REVIEW - BAKD | Crypto Crowdfunding & Professional Networking |

BAKD is a platorm for entrepreneurs and projects of any size to netoork raise funds find team members and learn all in one place ohile they build out their next great idea.
BAKD gives startups not only the capital they need to succeed but oe instll the confdence and give them the tools they need to succeed. All of this oill be possible by using the BAKD utlity token to invest in campaigns and receive project disbursements.
Finally BAKD is also a place ohere investors can feel safe investng in cryptocurrency startups. They oill no longer have to oonder ohere their money is going if projects are really meetng their deadlines and milestones. If project milestones are not met and the project becomes abandoned all remaining investor funds are returned. Invest oith confdence.
BAKD is an online crowdfunding community for cryptocurrency projects. Entrepreneurs who work a full time job already (or maybe not!) can list vetted, or non-vetted instant campaigns. Applying to be, and getting vetted prior to starting a campaign gives projects an instant level of credibility that anonymous, non vetted projects will not have. Whether a campaign is pre-vetted or not, all campaigns are given access to a personal dashboard as well as access to the BAKD community, allowing them to find BAK'ers, mentors, advisors, or other developers for said project -- all under one roof.
Project owners need to setup their disbursement schedules before ever starting their campaigns. These disbursements will be handled automatically by the BAKD Platform's Disbursement System, never needing any human intervention. This is key to avoid having developers and project owners end up with massive, multi-million dollar lump sums, and zero initiative left to continue on building what they set out for, in turn fostering motivation and innovation. Various contests between project owners will also foster a sense of competition between projects, hopefully intensifying the innovation and motivation.

How it works BAKD

  • Users register for to vieo or apply for a project campaign. Registraton instantly gives users the ability to invest in any running campaign
  • Anyone can run a campaign. Unverifed campaigns oill receive far less investments. To maximize investments BAKD recommends having your team and project verifed and vetted prior to startng your campaign. The vetng process consists of the BAKD team revieoing the overall project funding goal team current documentaton and source code/applicaton (if applicablee. Users not passing the vetng process oill stll be invited to post their campaign but they oill remain listed in unverifed status.
  • In order to start your campaign verifed or unverifed teams must add pre-defned  funding goals (ohich can be exceeded by member investmentse disbursement agreements and project milestones. If the milestones are not contnually met the project funding disbursements oill be ended and the remaining funds oill be returned to investors in the form of BAKD tokens.
  • BAKD oill ofer multple project funding campaign types. Project ooners may ofer ohatever they choose in return for investments from BAKD investors. Whether it be coins/tokens for their project equity in their project services from their project etc.
  • After a successful campaign is funded projects proceed into the development and disbursement phase. If they stop developing their promised project and/or stop updatng their investors/community – the disbursements stop as oell and the remaining amounts returned to original investors in the form of BAKD tokens.
  • Project ooners oill be able to search for and contact mentors advisors legal help and marketng professionals all from oithin the social netoorking portal oith the ability to invite and add them directly to their team

Benefits of BAKD platform
1. Entrepreneurs
2. Advisors
3. Marketers
4. Developers
Coin Specifications
Coin Codebase: Fork of ROICoin
Max Coin Supply: 5,000,000,000
Algorithm: 1 GB AES Pattern Search
Block Size: 1 MB
Max Transaction Size: 250 KB
Block Confirmations Required: 150
Block Timing: 2 Minutes
Block POW Mining Reward;
   - Blocks 2 - 99,999 0 BAKD Coins
   - Blocks 100,000 onwards 100 BAKD Coins
Mining: CPU Only, Solo Mining available From The Wallet With One Mouse Click
Pre-Mine: 10% (500,000,000)





Official BAKD Onepager (Alpha Version 0.0.1a) has been released! 
Updated Text Version of the BAKD Roadmap (Version 1.0.4) has been released! 

For More information you can visit link below :
Website :
Website ( In Development ) :

Author : Ajad_Arsy

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