Friday, July 27, 2018



The new generation of decentralized Streaming 

What is MONVID in general
Monvid is a decentralized P2P and proxied streaming platform which is going to take over the current traditional streaming world.
What services does monvid provide
We offer decentralized P2P and proxied streaming services for individuals and enterprises
How much does monvid services cost
There are different pricing models available for both publishers and visitors. These pricing will be set after we fully launched the applications and platforms. We will make you sure, the pricing will be much less than the traditional video streaming out there now!
How does monvid platform work
Monvid is based on Blockchain technology and is a decentralized application which relays on streaming nodes provided by the community. Everyone can join this community and share their resources with the platform.
What is the different between monvid and other video streaming providers
In one word, we’d say because it’s Decentralized. There are so many advantages including High Availability, Encrypted Data, Hard to be censored, and profit making for whole community instead of only the community owner.
Is monvid platform a P2P platform
Yes. monvid is a decentralized Peer 2 Peer streaming platform

Decentralized P2P Video Streaming
Normally when you are watching a video online, a server of that website or company is sending you the content but in a P2P streaming concept the video and content are stored on more than a server and who is the nearest will serve you (CDN). The reason we believe in decentralized P2P streaming is the transparency, flexibility, and privacy.

Decentralized Proxied Video Streaming

Basically, it’s useful when you would like to see what’s restricted to you by the government or the website itself. For example, you need want unlimited access to Netflix, the traditional ways are paying for the subscription (if available) or using VPN services. but the new way and idea of monvid is “proxy streaming“ which means a computer in the city without restriction is getting the video from Netflix and stream it for you with high speed and without any limitation.


There are a maximum number of Tokens every can be
generated during the Token-Sale which is 200M Tokens. Only
70% of these 200M Tokens will be for the Sale and the rest are
for the team, reserved tokens and also the bounty programs
for the marketing of monvid’s Token-Sale.
All unsold tokens will be burned and no new tokens will be
ever generated after the token-sale. 


Q1 – 2017 The idea & first marketing research monvid Early 2017, Antonio and Adrian, two idea maker of this project started to build a team for developing this decentralized video streaming platform.

Q3 – 2017 Gathering more information about CrowdFunding After building up the team, we were ready to learn more about the big technology the Blockchain and also getting help from CrowdFunding to get more investors for our project. 

Q1 – 2018 Token Sale Preparation ICO After researching the market and learn more about the Initial Coin Offering on Ethereum Network, we are preparing for a Token-Sale to get it used for the monvid platform.  

Q2 – 2018 Token Pre-Sale & Start of the Token-Sale In the second quarter of the year, we will start the token pre-sale and be preparing for the main sale.  

Q3 – 2018 Token Sale finishing and getting listed on Exchanges We are already in discussing with a lot of top exchanges around to get our Token to be traded on the public. These are Bittrex, Binance, Tidex, HitBTC, KuCoin, but not final decisions. However we try to get the best for our investors. 

Q3 – 2018 Alpha releasing of the monvid Platform Right after finishing the ICO, our team will release the first alpha version of the monvid platform and starting attracting more customers to this platform. 

Q1 – 2019 Releasing the final version of the monvid Platform We are going to release the final version of the monvid platform for the public use in the market . 

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links

The bitcointalk name : Ajad_Arsy
ETH ADDRESS : 0xB18448201E476F66b4d113175a621E42E60d33Fe

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